
Saturday 3 December 2011

My Very Own Blog!

Thanks for visiting my blog, seriously I'm really grateful!

I'm not new to blogging, I've got The Networking Blog about business growth and the blogs for my businesses.   I'm an avid blog reader, as you can see from my blogroll and I think it's about time I blogged without having to watch my p's and q's too much.  It will be great to not have to think about the offence factor!

The name, My Cava Lifestyle is pretty much the level I've achieved in life! I've not yet reached the heights of The Champagne Lifestyle - but then I always seem to be on the edge of it and almost there.  I worked in Altrincham, not Hale or Alderley Edge.  I live on the border of St Annes and Blackpool, on the Blackpool side, so can't claim to be posh.  St Annes wouldn't have me anyway - I don't own a Range Rover Shopping Chariot (yet!)

So for those that don't know me, I'm Claire, I'm in the 30-39 age bracket, live with the love of my life and my two boys, a golden retriever and an ever increasing number of fish.  I get asked why I'm a cartoon quite a lot - it's because I'm between hairstyles.  All profile pics are either The Bob or The Elf phase, so I'm not updating to a real pic until I'm happy with my hair!!(yes - I am that vain)

The posts you can expect will be maily Discount Shopping based I expect!  Although you will get my motherly rants from time to time.  Please feel free to leave comments - I love a chat!

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