
Wednesday 30 May 2012

Key Stage 2 Maths Problem

Following on from my rant about Key Stage 1 Homework last week, it clearly paid off for Thing 2.  He's in Year 5 and is currently half way through the maths curriculum for Year 6.

So by the start of Term 2 in Year 6, what will my child be learning?

I'm quite confident that they will find him the work he needs to stretch him and keep up his current status of Interested and Learning.  I do worry however about when he switches to high school.  What will happen then.

My experience of school, albeit ...oh a few years ago now (they did have GCSE's though not O Levels!!)...was that I was bored at school because the classes were easy.  Although I was in the top sets for all my subjects, the class was still the pace of the slowest learner and that was too slow for me.  My mum often bewails how wonderous I could have been had I actually tried at school.  But the thing was I didn't have to try.  It was easy and I took the easy route.

I certainly don't want the same thing happening to my boy.

So, should I get a private tutor for him?  Should I become a pushy mum and try and get him through his maths qualifications early while he is interested?  What is your advice?  

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