
Saturday 30 June 2012


Grazebox deliver little snacky boxes through the post. (they fit through the letterbox, fear not! You could always get it delivered to work)

I've read a few blog posts about the service, so thought I'd have a go and see what it's like.

This is what was in it..

A cashew nut, cranberry, raisin & choc button mix. Was delish!

Cheesy cashews & rice crackers. Nit delish at all in my opinion. Cashews are much better honey roast than cheesed.

Apple & Cinnamon flapjacks. As you would expect. Nice if you like flapjacks.

Firey seeds. I'm not a seed fan so gave these to mother. No report back as yet!

So, I know what you're thinking, Why would I buy a box with something I don't like in?

The box contents are kind of random but you can log onto the website and mark the selections you...

really don't want (bin)
Will try (try)
Like (like)
Would like more often (love)

It's a good service but quite a luxury one really. Those thrifty people amongst you could take inspiration from the site and make up your own boxes. (note to self: take inspiration from the site and make up boxes myself)

My first box was half price but I got a friend code so you can try for FREE!!

Just click go to and use the code 97NFJ4NA

It's definitely worth it for free, you can even pick which boxes you want using the LOVE option.

Disclosure: I have not been approached by to write this review nor have I received payment or goods for review purposes. I happened upon the service from reading other blog posts and I like getting things in the post!

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