
Monday 9 July 2012

Meal Planning Monday

Blimey! Another week has gone by already.

I slightly failed on the plan last week by having two takeaways but it was only one fail rather than the usual Wednesday abandonment.

Its a must that we stick to the plans from here on in to tie in with my Paying off The Mortgage Project.

So, I'm shopping at Aldi this week rather than Tesco to save almost £100 (yes, really!)

Monday: Cowboy Casserole & Champ

Tuesday: Smoked Haddock (frozen fillets from Aldi), Chips and Mushy Peas

Wednesday: Gluten Free Chilli Con Carne (from the freezer) and Rice

Thursday: Rump Steak, Chips, Peas & Mushrooms (oh yes, on a budget and affording steak! Aldi IS fab!)

Friday: A big greasy fry up!

Saturday: Takeaway

Sunday: Roast Chicken Dinner

Looking at that it seems a bit of a carnivore feast! Possibly because it's raining as I devise this plan! If we survive, I think I need to do a healthy plan next week!

There's loads more meal planning ideas on the blog At Home With Mrs M.  Well worth a visit!


  1. Got excited then when I saw cowboy casserole as I have a recipe for one with corned beef in which I really love!

    That sounds very yummy


    1. Oooh! I do like a bit of corned beef!

      Have you got a link to the recipe?

  2. The cowboy casserole sounds lovely, my husband would love it. He likes a "cowboy supper" which is sausages chips and beans!

  3. Awh bless! I might crack open the marshmallows next time I make it. For dessert, not as an accompaniment!!
