
Thursday 19 July 2012

My Favourite Money Blogs

I read quite a few blogs on several subjects and get inspiration from them all.

Given my theme of saving, my favourite blogs are the money saving types and here's my recommended reading list...

Mortgage Free in Three

Mortgage Free in Three
A one woman crusade through the minefield of debt working towards
being mortgage free in three years.

Full of advice and real life examples of how it can be done.

Discount Coder

Discount Coder
More of a professional money saving blog rather than a personal one to one blog. However, there is a personal touch and the ideas on there can really help you out and stop you spending!

There's also fab discount codes and promotions with major brands.

A Thrifty Mrs Blog

A Thrifty Mrs

If you're looking for tips on how to live an organised life without spending a fortune and without compromising quality, this blog is a must.

Again, this blog receives a lot of comments on each post so there's also loads of tips there as well on each post.

Hope you get a chance to read my favourite money blogs.


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