
Saturday 14 July 2012

Project Mortgage Payoff: Petrol

Grrr. At the risk of giving away my age, I remember when the fuel strikes affected the country because it went past 79p a litre.  I'd be happy to pay that now.

To save a bit more money towards paying off my mortgage, this week I am really looking at how much petrol we use.

It's nearly the school hols so the school run will be sacrificed.

The short runs to the shop for bread and milk can be stopped.  We can walk the hound there and kill two birds with one stone.

Ice Hockey matches.  Car sharing is now an option.  To be fair, they do share as often as possible.

I need to get the smallest riding his bike more.  Again, two birds with one stone here as that can be a summer hol activity!

And all the money saved from my petrol budget at the end of the month will go in the savings account to add to my mortgage payoff fund.  How satisfying and really the incentive I need to walk!

Have you any ideas on how to use less fuel?

Share your ideas below!

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