
Sunday 29 July 2012

Sunday Breakfast - Cheesy Bacon Butty

(Apologies for the lack of photo, I'm typing this before making it. I'll update with a pic when I get chance)

I first came across this on a Saturday butty order about 15 years ago when I worked in a car dealership. I thought it was odd and week in week out would raise my eyebrows wondering where this concoction came from. Germany was the answer. The salesman that regularly ordered it was married to a German lady.

I tried it once and found its the best start to a day where you might miss lunch!! Here's how I make it..

You Will Need:

A large barmcake (tea cake, bap, roll - insert correct regional word for round bread!

A handful of grated cheese

Two bacon rashers

Two mushrooms

Half a sliced tomato

How To Make It

1. Lightly toast your barmcake

2. Cook your bacon as you like it

3. Slice and cook the mushrooms with the bacon

4. Put the bacon on the barmcake followed by the mushrooms, sliced tomato and sprinkle the grated cheese over the top

5. Grill until the cheese melts

6. Put the top of the barmcake on and enjoy.

It's really tasty so you won't need sauce. It's also more filling than it looks and a great way to get a decent amount of food down if your short of time.

If you try this, please let me know what you think

What's you're favourite Sunday breakfast?

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