
Monday 2 July 2012

Three of the Best Online Time Savers

You know me, I'm all for saving time and I owe most of it to online resources that are ready set up to help me get a head start.

So, what do I use...?

Running a business involves far too much time consuming paperwork as far as I'm concerned so when it comes to running the household, everything has to be online.  It's quick, it's easy and I know where things are, no routing round at midnight looking for a bank statement!

One of the best online resources I have for storing information is Dropbox.  It can be used for sharing files but also storing information.  

I scan all our utility bills and shred the paper copies so a central point for storing everything is great for me.  Don't worry about people seeing your private information you can password protect files.

The other use for Dropbox is file sharing.  Rather than clog up your inbox with large documents, you can give permission for another Dropbox user to be able to see your file.  And an uncluttered Inbox is a time saver in itself!  

A two in one product and its Free!!  It's available on your PC and as an iPhone app.

Shopping is my next time eater.  Tesco's iphone app is fab for doing a big shop quickly.  

I used to spend about 90 minutes shopping online on my laptop.  Now I can open the app, go the favourites page and just scroll down adding what you need to your basket.

The app even shows you what's on offer.

I can now rattle off a weekly shop in about 20 minutes and that includes foolishly asking if anyone needs anything!

Again this is a free app available for the iPhone.

Both a Money and a Time Saver my next recommendation is Fridge Buddy. 

Unfortunately this is not a free iPhone app, it's £1.49 but its paid for itself in reminding me when food needs using up thus reducing our waste.

Basically you input what is in your fridge and freezer in to the app, how many days until it's out of date and it will remind you when to eat it.

The really clever thing about this app is that you can share your fridge with another user.  Ideal if your partner can't read your mind!  I input what the item is and then under the notes section, I put what it is to go with.  You can even take a picture of the food if you're so inclined.  

Once you have eaten it, just click, "I've eaten This" and it will ask how many portions have been eaten, so it will even track your leftovers!

This has saved my bacon several times when I assume there's still some frozen Bolognaise in the freezer from the last huge batch I have cooked.  I check the app at work, realise I'm wrong so I can make a plan B.

It can be a bit time consuming entering your fridge and freezer contents into the app.  It really does need to be done everytime you shop.  But if you have iPhone literate children, they're fab at it and love doing it!  

So, I hope this post has inspired you to get online to save time.  This post is inspired by the BritMums #BGSaveTime Linky, sponsored by British Gas.  To find out more online timesavers, search on Twitter with the hashtag #BGSaveTime for loads of links to loads of great resources.  And if you think you haven't got time - you have! - you'll save loads of time online now!!



  1. The most important time saving App: Lost Kidz
    There is nothing more critical to a parent than saving time in being reunited with your child - it is THE factor which affects whether your child would suffer accidental or deliberate harm. It would be great if you could take a look and share with your followers!
