
Tuesday 8 January 2013

The Art of Regifting - Part One

Regifting is the practice of sending a gift you have received but don't want to someone else. The danger is sending the unwanted gift back to the original sender.

Regifting is a massive money saver and if you simply don't have the spare cash to buy a gift, its a godsend.  If you have popular young children that are often invited to parties, you can save a fortune from regifting as duplicates often happen. 

To be a slick regifter and ensure you're not caught out, follow these simple steps.

1. Label the gift with who bought it you, when and what for (by this I mean birthday or Christmas not "because they think I'd love a floral bandana")

2. Make a list of your unwanted gift stash including a column for the gift giver and a column for who you can regift it to.

3. Make a note in your diary of when and,what you intend to regift.  I do this as I'm to forgetful to remember.

4. Wrap and label the gift ready to give!

WARNING!!  When regifting, consider your circles of friends and family. You can't regift to people who may open the gift in front of the original gifter in case they recognise it.

Tomorrow I'll share with you the ultimate regifting top to ensure you are never caught out and also how you can make money from your pile of unwanted gifts.

Don't miss it - subscribe to the blog!!

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