Then I just forgot to use it. Nothing happened to put me off, I just didn't use it.
Then I heard you could get cashback for checking in to shops. So I installed the app, did it a couple of times, then again, just didn't use it.
Until I was in Debenhams the other month and I thought "ooh - I wonder if I can check in?" Well - better than that I can get cashback in shops now!!! So I registered my card whilst in the queue and low and behold got about £3 back!
So, in my attempt at boosting the savings account, I thought I'll see how much is in my Quidco account which is when I discovered how much the site has changed over the years.
There are many, many more companies signed up to Quidco that last time I had a proper look and there's cashback galore for simply enquiring about produts!
They are in the "No Brainer" section.
I have just earnt £6 by signing up for my credit report from Equifax and I've got about another 12 quid by requesting quotes for various types of insurance. There are limits on the number of quotes you can request from a company and the information put in has to be genuine. Of course the generous offers are basically buying you as a marketing prospect but I am genuinely interested in about half of the products. I need to compare my car insurance, I'm looking to take out medical insurance and I'm nosey enough to want to see I've paid my credit bills each month. The higher paying offers do require a subscription, but all have a free trial period, just remember to cancel the subscription!! It's also a must that the email address is your "form filler" email (ie an email address set up just for competitions and marketing communications)
So Quidco - I'm Back!
I've set you as my homepage, I'll be checking your offers daily and I won't leave you again!!
Seriously, if you are shopping online, this is money for nothing!! If you're not signed up, click here and do it now!! (This is my referral link - but you'll also get £5 when you start using your Quidco Account - use that link though, not the badge on the right)
Claire :)
You gotta love Quidco! We've got some amazingcash back with holidays and travel insurance on there. I also once got nearly £200 for Virgin TV & broadband.