
Tuesday 14 August 2012

Magazine Pile to Cash

I've made a discovery this week and it's a cash generating one!!

Magazines sell really well on eBay!!

It started when I couldn't find a relatively new magazine, Scrap 365, in any shops in my area. I turned to eBay and managed to buy 3 out of the 8 issues I wanted to read.

When I like a magazine. I tend to but back issues and this was the key to my cash generating idea!

Last year, I subscribed to Writers Forum Magazine. Its a really useful magazine but I just don't have the time at the moment to read each issue. Many issues are still unopened in the delivery wrapping. I also found a lot of the back issues were sold out with the publisher making my stash worth more!!

So rather than take up room & clutter the house, I'm selling them to make a quick £50!

If you want to buy, the full listings are on eBay, but I'm happier to sell through the blog, so just leave me a comment or email me at and I'll be in touch with payment arrangements.


All issues £3.60 each plus £1.60 p&p

#130 September 2012 - unread, in wrapper

#129 August 2012 - unread, in wrapper

#128 July 2012 - unread in wrapper

#125 April 2012 - unread, in wrapper

#124 March 2012 - read once

#122 January 2012 - read a few times

#117 August 2011 - unread, not in wrapper

#115 June 2011 - read once

#112 March 2011 - read once

#111 February 2011 - read once

#110 January 2011 - read once

#109 December 2010 - read once

1 comment:

  1. Entrepreneurial. Good luck with it. Sounds like it could be fun for you.
