
Tuesday 7 August 2012

Bargain V Brand Review: Shampoo

Blogs are full of reviews of brand products, particularly luxury brand products. It's reassuring to know that if I do part with a large chunk of my weekly budget that the product will deliver its promises, but it is unlikely I will spend where there are completely acceptable, often just as good, alternatives.

So, this week, I bring you The Bargain Vs Brand Reviews!! (ta-da-da-da-da-da-DAH!!!!)

And here's the first.

I can pretty much only use Head and Shoulders shampoo. I've dark hair and dry skin. Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo also does the job but at a time when I'm keen to pay off the mortgage, I can't justify the price.

I only buy Shampoo when it's on offer. At £6 for a large bottle I wait until I can get a free conditioner or until its down to £4.

That was until I tried Hair and Scalp by Medipure from B&M Bargains. Just 99p for a 400ml bottle.

So, what's the verdict?

It works, I like it and I will buy it again!

I'm cheating a little as I have almost a full bottle of Head and Shoulders Conditioner which I am using up.

I just use shampoo alone maybe twice a week and Hair and Scalp can be a little harsh but it's nothing that a decent blow dry cant hide.

So on day 1 of the Bargain V Brand Reviews, the winner is....



  1. Wow, what a difference in price, I confess I am also a H&S user, but my usage is very minimal, a 400ml bottle lasting some 6 months or more! For 99p, I can afford that!

  2. Wow that is an amazing price... I'm assuming it contains zinc pyrithione? If you ever get irritations, I heard that switching to a sulfate free dandruff shampoo is worthwhile since its a lot more gentle on your scalp.
