
Monday 6 August 2012

Meal Planning Monday - The Night After The Storm

That's an actual storm, not a metaphore for a stressful time or anything.  The dog was whining before the thunder cracked, then the lightening started, then the torrential rain.  Then the dog started barking at 3.52 AM!!!

So after a disturbed nights sleep and a pile of work after a week off, the slow cooker is out and things are being slung in it.  I may well come up with a fabulous creation during my sleep deprived state, although it's quite unlikely!!

So, there's no lunches planned this week, it will be whatever is easy but here's the dinners (or tea as it is oop here in t'wet north)

Monday: Slow cooker shepherds pie

Tuesday: Chicken dinner

Wednesday:  Chicken Fajitas with left over chicken

Thursday:  Italian Beef Casserole (in the slow cooker for the first time)

Friday: Chippy tea!  (not had one for ages!)

Saturday: More takeaway

Sunday: Steak and Chips

Not much going on really, I'll try and post the recipes for the Slow Cooked Shepherds Pie and Italian Beef Casserole once I've got through my mountain of work!

If you need more inspiration, and lets face it, I clearly need inspiration!!  Hop over to Mrs M's Blog and read the other meal plans on there.  There's some really tasty ones this week!


  1. Fajitas are always a hit here. We have a takeaway fueled weekend ahead too eek! x

  2. I would eat ALL of them - GREAT plan!
