Friday, 18 May 2012

Anyone for a Street Party?

I first mentioned a street party to my friend about 4 months before the Royal Wedding.  I expected a response of "great idea" "if anyone can do it you can" "I'll help".  
Photo Courtesy of:

The response I got was "What Decade Are You Living In?! 1950!!"

After a good half hour pointing out that street parties are all the rage again and how communities should get together, I stated that she wasn't invited.  I don't think she heard.  She was still laughing.

So we ummed and ahhed about having a barbeque instead.  As it was blowing a gale that day, we watched the wedding in our pajamas eating bacon and egg butties.  I felt I'd let the neighbours down, but hey, they didn't invite me round either.

Now the Jubilee is looming, I was again toying with the idea of a street party.  This time, I performed my market research on a different audience.  His mates in the pub at a beer festival.

I won't bore you with the content, it's quite lengthy.  It basically came down to...

B: "Do you like your neighbours?"
Me: "I don't really know them"
B: "Do you want to know them?"
Me: "Well, not all of them no."
B: "Well have a barbeque.  We'll come round.  I don't like our neighbours."

So that was that.  Not is the resounding message I keep getting from those around me!

I can live without having organised a street party I think.  Most of our street eat at the Indian at the top of the road, so if we really wanted to get together, that's a wholly more sensible idea as they've got tables, a roof and everything!

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